- Relevance:- The web page should be relevant to the keyword.
- Clarity: This should be easily clear to the user about the web page.
- Visible: Keep important information and call to action at above of the web page, so user does not have to scrawl the page.
- Strong Headline: There should be strong headline web page and include you keyword, this should also include the major benefits of the product and service.
- Call to Action: Use clear and powerful call to action on the web page.
- Bullets: use bullets on the web page to summarize the user what the web page is all about.
- Hero Shot: i.e A ‘hero shot’ is a graphic representation of the item being marketed, whether it’s a tangible product , the cover of a report or the photo of a webinar presenter. :- to emotional connection of the user.
- Clear Text: User clear text on the web pages.
- Colour: try to use primary color in the website design
- Image Caption: Use caption on the images and put keyword where it is possible.
- Quality Content : Put quality content on the webpage
- Design: Use attractive website design.
- Social validation: Try to include testimonials, industrial awards, affiliates and associates that you belongs to